September 15, 2022

Thursday, September 15, 2022
Board Meeting


a.       Call of Meeting to Order

b.       Attendees/Introductions/Quorum

c.       Agenda Revisions

d.       Approval of Minutes Previous Board Meeting

II. ORGANIZATIONAL VISION: 501(c)(3) Strategic Sustainability

a.      Governing Voice

i.    Nominations (Lisa Lieder)

  1. Review Committee Appointments

  2. New Board member onboarding opportunities

  3. Annual BOD survey results

ii.   By Laws (Kelly Pochop)

iii.   Legislative (Shelly Gilmore)

b.      Fiscal Benefits

i.    Finance (Erik Hanson)

  1. Organization Snapshot (enrollment/support)

  2. 2021-2022 Budget & Fiscal Finalization including Compilation report

  3. WDLC Funding: AWSA/SLATE pre-conference

  4. Update to vendor charge type awareness (StudyForge, MAWI, Canvas)

c.      Management / Administration

i.    Executive Committee (Shelly Gilmore)

  1. Review 2021-2022 Year in Review final copy highlights

  2. Overview of 2022-2023 Program Targets & Process

  3. Options for future strategic plan development


III. PARTNER SUCCESS VISION: Predictable Partner Success (Jill Gurtner / Sami Mantyla)

a.      Review Program Targets 2022-2023

i.    Partnerships

ii. WEN Connect

iii. Statewide Access

IV. OPERATIONS VISION: Quality Operational Choice (Jason Schmidt / Greg Mahaffey)

a.      Review Program Targets 2022-2023

i.    Digital Content

ii. Systems & Tools

iii. Special Projects

V. ACTION ITEMS (Board Chair)

a.      To approve/deny AWSA pre-conference sponsorship 

b. To approve/deny 2021-2022 compilation report as presented

c.      To approve/deny the 2022-2023 Program Targets as presented 

d.      To approve/deny development of future organization strategic plan 

e.      To approve/deny the WEN Inc. fund transfer from special projects fund to operating fund 


a.      Review Program Leader Offerings Calendar

2022-2023Jennifer Severson